martes, 17 de abril de 2007

My Artist

A: What's his name?
B: His name is Leonardo Villalobos

A: Where is he From?
B: He's from Venezuela

A: Where he from originally?
B: He's from Maracaibo

A: What's his nationality?
B: He's Venezuelan

A: What's his first language?
B: His first language is Spanish

A: What does he do?
B: He's a locator

A: How old is he?
B: He's 30 years old

A: What is he like?
B: he's very funny

Hi, his name's Leonardo Villalobos. He's from Venezuela. He's from Maracaibo, originally. He's Venezuelan and his first language is Spanish. He's a locator . He's 30 years old and he's very funny

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

this very pretty your blogs my name is fanyenet

vanessa dijo...

Hello Ana, my name is Vanessa. I like your favorite artist... He's beautiful and very handsome..